Along with all the rides, Disneyland is known for their food. No trip to Disneyland is complete without a few snacks. There are so many options to choose from that everyone can find something to their liking.
For the purpose of this post, I am classifying anything I ate that wasn’t a full meal (from a sit-down or quick serve) or a dessert as a snack.
Mickey Pretzel
Found at any pretzel cart throughout the park, the Mickey shaped pretzel is one of my favorite Disneyland snacks. As a soft pretzel fan, this snack hits the mark every time. Is it the best soft pretzel I have ever had? No. Does the fact that it is Mickey shaped make it better than the standard soft pretzel you can get at sporting events? Absolutely!
These pretzels are great on their own, but if you are a fan of dipping your soft pretzel in cheese sauce, some of the carts have that as an option as well. This will be a snack I get anytime I vist a Disney park.
Mickey Beignet
Found at the Mint Julep Bar in New Orleans Square are the cutest little beignets. Shaped like Mickey (like so many things at Disneyland) this snack is a great way to start your morning. These beignets are some of the best I have ever had and I make the effort to get some every time I visit. The only downside is they are kinda messy and I do not recommend trying to walk and eat with them. The powdered sugar goes everywhere, so beware if you are wearing black.
Now I know I said I wasn’t including desserts on this list, but I don’t consider it one for two reasons. 1. If you can eat donuts for breakfast or as a snack, beignets should be thought of the exact same way. 2. I try to limit myself to 1 dessert per day when visiting any Disney park. As such, if I count the Mickey beignets as a snack, I can still get a dessert that day.
Coming in 3 or 6 packs, it is a great snack to get and share with others. The great thing about the beignets is that they often have seasonal flavors that have always been as delicious as the original.

Turkey Leg
Purchased from Edelweiss Snacks in Fantasyland, it technically isn’t a quick serve meal even though you can get it through Mobile Order on the app. While I am a vegetarian, and didn’t actually eat it, my mom and sister get one to share every time we go. They love getting one because it is “tasty”, “filling”, and a good source of protein. Between the two of them, they split the turkey leg as a snack to keep them full between meals without going for a snack that is too sweet or completely unhealthy.